Millennium Adult Care's facilities are unique because both can accommodate up to 30 clients each, but never will we have more than 20 clients at either location, simply for the comfort and convenience of your loved one! Although both facilities have its own unique theme, they were both designed to have a soothing, welcoming, home-like feeling so you and your loved one can rest assured that they will have an enjoyable time while in our care.
Activities? Each facility has separate activity rooms to allow for multiple activities to be conducted simultaneously. We keep them busy! We assure you that we will provide enough excitement and activities that everyone in your home will enjoy a solid night of rest.
As with all adult day cares, both facilities have a “quiet room.” This room is furnished with a comfortable bed and calming effects for the client who just doesn’t feel well. The client is welcomed to rest in the quiet room for one hour, after which they can rejoin the group, or sign out of the facility for the day.
We encourage you to come in for a tour at any time during normal business hours, or arrange for a private consultation to discuss the specific needs of the potential client. We hope to see you soon!